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Asthma Specialist

Salman Alim, MD

Pulmonologist located in Humble, TX

Asthma frequently begins in childhood, but you can also have your first asthma attack as an adult. No matter when it begins, asthma is a chronic disease that needs ongoing care. Salman Alim, MD, has extensive experience treating patients of all ages, helping them prevent future asthma flare-ups, and lead an active life. To schedule an appointment, call the office in Humble, Texas, or book online today.

Asthma Q&A

What causes asthma?

Asthma develops when inflammation leads to swelling and mucus production in your airways. As a result, the airways narrow, making it hard to breathe. The inflammation develops when you inhale allergens or other irritants. Some of the most common asthma triggers include:

  • Allergens (pollen, animal dander, dust mites, mold, food)
  • Cold air
  • Stress
  • Acid reflux
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Strong odors
  • Viral infections (cold or flu)

Many asthma patients find that exercise triggers their asthma. Dr. Alim can help you stay active with a proactive plan to take medication ahead of time.

What symptoms develop due to asthma?

When you have asthma, you have flare-ups or asthma attacks, but the frequency of flare-ups varies for each person. Some may have asthma attacks daily, while others rarely experience a problem.

When you have an asthma flare-up, your symptoms can range from mild to severe, and they include one or more of the following:

  • Chest tightness or pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dry cough
  • Wheezing

Your symptoms may get worse at night or become progressively more severe over time. Patients with cough-variant asthma can develop a cough without having any of the other symptoms.

How do you treat asthma?

Dr. Alim reviews your medical history, conducts a physical exam, and performs diagnostic testing such as pulmonary function tests. He works with each patient to develop customized asthma treatment that includes:

Asthma action plan

Dr. Alim helps identify your personal triggers and develops an asthma action plan that includes how to avoid your triggers, as well as for instructions on how and when to take your medications.

Quick-relief medications

Rescue inhalers give you rapid relief to open your airways when an asthma flare-up begins. Your inhaler provides a puff of medication that quickly reaches your lungs. You can also receive rescue medications from a nebulizer machine that turns the medication into a mist that you breathe in through a mouthpiece or mask over about 10 minutes.

Long-term control medications

Dr. Alim may prescribe one of several possible long-term control medications that you take every day to treat inflammation and prevent or reduce asthma attacks. Long-term medications may be in the form of a pill, tablet, injection, or inhaler.

If you develop difficulty breathing, wheezing, or coughing, call Salman Alim, MD, or schedule an appointment online today.